Who are we?
We are the Parents / Guardians of the pupils at Staplestown NS. All parents with students attending our school automatically become a member of the PTA which is led by a committee. The committee is made up of 8 parents and 1 teaching representative. To be a member of the committee you are nominated by a current member during the AGM which takes place early in the school year and then seconded by other members.
PTA Committee 2023/2024
Errol Gannon, Aisling Cronin, Edel Reddin, Claire Smullen, Raimonda Tansey, Lorraine Fallon,
Ann Marie Naughton, Tierna Murphy & Maeve Caldwell.
What is our purpose?
What activities do we undertake?
Benefits of a Parents Association
How can you get involved?
We welcome all feedback and support from parents/guardians, if you wish to contact us please email:
[email protected]
We are the Parents / Guardians of the pupils at Staplestown NS. All parents with students attending our school automatically become a member of the PTA which is led by a committee. The committee is made up of 8 parents and 1 teaching representative. To be a member of the committee you are nominated by a current member during the AGM which takes place early in the school year and then seconded by other members.
PTA Committee 2023/2024
Errol Gannon, Aisling Cronin, Edel Reddin, Claire Smullen, Raimonda Tansey, Lorraine Fallon,
Ann Marie Naughton, Tierna Murphy & Maeve Caldwell.
What is our purpose?
- To promote the interests of our children in the school in consultation with the Board, Principal and Teachers
- To advise the Principal and Board on matters relating to school
- To adopt a programme of activities that promote the involvement of parents in the school in consultation with the Principal
What activities do we undertake?
- Organise fun activities for the pupils
- Tea/coffee reception after the First Communion Mass
- Subsidise some school activities
- Swimming Bus
- Subsidise Playball
- Feedback parent input from meetings to School Principal
- Bake Sales
- Organise welcome meetings for new parents
- Organise guest speakers to give talks at school
- Fundraise to pay for all of the above
- Easter Raffle
- Christmas Raffle
- Decorate school hall at Christmas
Benefits of a Parents Association
- Children benefit with positive and active partnership between school and parents
- More activities
- More funds for school
- Way of meeting other parents
- Support Network
- Sociable
- Parents know what is going on in school and can support on non educational aspects of the school
How can you get involved?
- Come to the meetings
- You can give your ideas and inputs at meetings or to any committee member
- Help out at our events and activities... Garda Vetting required
- Join the committee
We welcome all feedback and support from parents/guardians, if you wish to contact us please email:
[email protected]